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Tuesday 29 May 2012

worst day...

hari ni.. 29hb 5 2012.... hari result pspm matriks keluar..

kecewa la sgt dgn result pa blh bt.. sesuai dgn usaha sa la katakan... menyesal skrg pn xda guna.. terima ja seadanya...

bersyukur jg la dgn result sa.. yg pntg x gagal....

hari ni jg, sa dgn adik-beradik dan kazen sa p jln2 d 1B, tgk movie n mlmnya p funfair....
seronok tu, seronok la jg... tp... pasal ni la smua duit sa lesap, lenyap, habis digunakan huhu... sedihnya lg.. btmbh2 beban sa huhu...

n d funfair td, spatutnya sa c lepas smua stress sa x dpt teriak pn.. xda apa yg mmbolehkn sa teriak..huhu... x brapa menakutkn tu smua permainan huhu...
permainan last kmi, ntah apa nama tu, rocket la adik sa pggl, berpusing2 dn membuatkn kmi smua pening n mcm mo muntah... tp ok jg la kmi.. yg kesian, adik sa la.. mgkn dia x tahan.. dia plg pucat n plg pening... tym plg, dia termuntah lg dlm kereta... kesian jg la...huhu..

haiya... byk masalah sa alami bertubi-tubi ow huhu... sedihnya... tp terima apa adanya ja la :( ....

Saturday 26 May 2012

best ever....

today, me n family go to ISUZU Fest.. the best n enjoyable...

me n my cuzz juz coming back from 'kampong', then my family bring us to see ISUZU Fest... have some fun there....

we were excited the first we step on the land there..haha... we were looking forward for the face painting...
look mine.. it's purple hehee...

we also get to take some pic wit clown there... they were cute hehe...

there were 3 clown... red, green n blue...


he come from nowhere... hehe :) the red one

it's the blue one... ehehe...

the tallest... the green one... hehe n he the one who gave me the balloon sword

they were all cute n funny....haha...

n will got to see them again tonight.. yeay!! :D

let have some fun...


Wednesday 23 May 2012

my birthday party...

hello everyone...

juz want to be proud something hehe...

this is my birthday party n birthday cake last year 2011..

with my schoolmates... hehe

my birthday cake... hehehe present

can't wait.. :)

and this is my birthday party and birthday cake tis year...2012
with my roommate n my neighbour n my friends...

my bday cake..

we were having fun

thanxx to all my friends for this precious day..hehe.....

we all were having really fun....

can't wait for next year.. :) hope it will be fun also


tis is my second blog as i forgot my first blog's password..huhu..

wat to do la... my second blog cannot be as same as the first one... don't have the same idea.. but.. i will do the best for this second one... as good, pretty, scarie(kunun), better than the first one hehe...
