Blogger Widgets

Sunday 16 December 2012

Mendaki bukit bersama si abg hehehe...



aktiviti ni berlaku pada 10 Disember 2012 yg lalu...
sekali-sekala bh rehat2kan minda dan bdan kan.... tanpa dirancang jg ni.. tu c abg(Kolostus) mau naik bukit sna Tamparuli... Sa pun minta puji la mw join kunun... kmi naik tu bukit St. Veronica@bukit perahu...
Temberang2 c adik(saya), last2 kepenatan plg cepat..hahaha... x larat mw panjat tu bukit.... tp 'TIADA YANG MUSTAHIL' kan... last2..dpt jg kmi smpi d puncak..mmg best la... hehehe...

tgk... cntik kan..hehehe :P
nasib c abg ada bwa camera... dpt jg la kmi bgmbr2 hahaha.. sa la tu plg btebiat n plg minta puji.... gmbr sa ja byk :P

Senyum lah sentiasa k... ^_^


Sunday 4 November 2012

It's gurlz day..

Hello everyone...

Yesterday was our gurlz day.. Only for us girls.. NO BOYS allowed...hehehe... so, no boys were following us.. it's gud..yeah!!
We were having fun during that day... enjoying ourselves as FRIENDS...

Now, I'm gonna show u guys some photo of us having our dinner...only the photo that I take hehehe :) I edit it by myself..


From the words of the author... 
We are enjoy ourselves being together as F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
We have a lots of sweetz memories together..
We sharing our happiness...
WE ARE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER... till the end.. AMEN... 

This ALL were our foods during our dinner.. Got dessert also laio.. It's banana boat.. so delicious ^_^

These are the drinks of 3 friends... Cold Chocolate.. 
You know wat??
It's tasteless you know... Not that delicious huhu... Too much ice n less on chocolate I think.. BUT wat to do, just drink finish it up..huhuhu... It's like torturing us..huhuhu... :( Next time, don't want to order that things again...

You see??
How much do we spend on our food... It already reached RM100++ 
OH GOSH!! but we still thank to the friend who spends us for today... Next time, there will be the other friend who will spend.. ^_^ .. at least, we'll be fair to all...
It's nice, right??

Until now...
My story today is finish hehehe...
Wait for it yarh!!... Hope it gonna be happen...
Ok then, BYE2 ALL...
Have a nice day...


Thursday 1 November 2012

I know How to relax..

yeah yeay..
NOw I finally found some way to release tension, and to relax my mind from stress until no more stress...
You know wat is it??
It's... editing my own picture hehehehee....

I feel more relax n happy when I've done editing my picture.. I like to see my face when e looks cute n pretty...
I really really love it..
I'm grateful with my face n with my big eyes...

You want to see my edit photo?????
COme coMe... Don't b shy2...
Here we are....
me with my youngest sister

it's me.. at 1Borneo... hehehehe..  ^_^

now... It's me with my blue eyes hehehe... this way i'm edit it make me looks pretty..but the fact... i'm just cute..hehehe :P

These were all my edit picture...
Better right??
Me looks really cute..hohohoho..

We have to be proud of ourselves...
 Be grateful for we have born this way..

Have a nice day all..

Monday 29 October 2012

HaPpY HaLLoWeeN...!!!

Hehehee.... due to the Halloween, I'm changing my fb profile...
Loading............This will take a few seconds....

Here it comes....


How would you say??
Scary isn't it...hehehehe.... :P
Just edit lor...
I like VAMPIRE things..hehehe... 

Sunday 28 October 2012

Starting to blogging again...huhu

Arghh!!! today my unlucky bad day huhu...

you know??
I've lost my hp..
you know how??
by dropping into a hole, a black hole, a deep hole, and me can't reach it anymore...
you know where??
at kk... specifically, in the toilet...
how bad is it huh??
i hate it...
I don't have hp to contact my friend anymore...huhuhu...
my bad...

nevermind la... can't help anymore... just buy a new one... :(

Thursday 16 August 2012

BUsy day...

Hello there...

Hurm... sepatutnya hari utk buat urusan bh ni... urus bank n byk la hehe... tp jd jg hari kmi jln2 kejap.. mkn2.. trus dpt gaji lg hehehe... gud2...

Tapi yg herannya, ntah napa, sya blh rasa pening pla dlm kereta... slama ni x pla... mgkn sbb sa lama dh x pkai spek, trus hari ni jln tiba2 pkai spek... itulah perasaannya yg pelik... Mgkn ja la... Sa pn xtau lg ni hehehe....

C rara mkn aiskrim... tu rmbt bru la smart hehehehe.... :P

Nah, smpt2 lg kmi duduk2 mkn aiskrim c rara lepas berurusan d bank hehehe... curi aiskrim dia hahaha.... LOL

Nah... Sa lg la... Xda kerja mo bt lpas tu... ambik kesempatan bergambar sementara tggu mamy hehehe... hebat ni... Sengaja mengambil jg tu gmbr kakak2 sa d blkg hehe... eh! nmpk jg pla tu kereta kmi.. 

Hehehe...yg syoknya, kmi smpt lg singgah mkn bah kut teh hehe... sedap jg la tp x cukup ni.. Rasa mcm ckit ja tp mahal..huhu... Sa x kenyang tau tym tu huhu... Tp x pa la, asal termakan kan...

Haha... ni la bah kut teh kmi... Mkn utk 5 org hehehe... Ni la mksd sa x cukup.. Drg cni xda jual yg besar pnya blh bt la kan...
Hehehe... Ok la... smpi cni ja... x jg smpt sa bt urusan byk2... Lambat dah kmi p kk td... yg lpas kmi mkn2, kmi p CentrePoint.. p beli2 barang ja.. xda pa2 jg... hurmmmm.... Tu ja lah kan..

Nah.. Ini lah sa.. c yoyoe hehehe... Org yg mnta puji smpt lg bgmbr d tgh jln.. x malu ni urg byk limpas2 tgk...hahaha... P/s : Sbnrnya sa malu jg tahan2 malu ja hehehe.. :P

Ok la kwn2... Smpi d sini saja lah topik c yoyoe yg minta puji hehe,,,
p/s: Sa pn xtau dah mo bt pa dgn blog sa yg kosong n sunyi n FA ni... jd, tulis ja la pengalaman hari ni kan hehehe..

BYE2...  ^_^

Friday 29 June 2012

Hello again..

huuu...long time no blogging... hha... maybe I need to gain my blogging mood again hahaha... :)

yeah!! it's me today hehe...

sorry.. all my post need to have at least one pic make sure it was from me (kunun lah haha)..

erm.. I'm thinking what to post ahh... :)

I still don't have good news for u guys to hear.. so, I'll just talking nonsense la.. can ka?? haha..but maybe u will here a good news from me soon hehe.. juz wait n see for it la ^_~ nonsense stop here.. will continue next time hehe...


Tuesday 29 May 2012

worst day...

hari ni.. 29hb 5 2012.... hari result pspm matriks keluar..

kecewa la sgt dgn result pa blh bt.. sesuai dgn usaha sa la katakan... menyesal skrg pn xda guna.. terima ja seadanya...

bersyukur jg la dgn result sa.. yg pntg x gagal....

hari ni jg, sa dgn adik-beradik dan kazen sa p jln2 d 1B, tgk movie n mlmnya p funfair....
seronok tu, seronok la jg... tp... pasal ni la smua duit sa lesap, lenyap, habis digunakan huhu... sedihnya lg.. btmbh2 beban sa huhu...

n d funfair td, spatutnya sa c lepas smua stress sa x dpt teriak pn.. xda apa yg mmbolehkn sa teriak..huhu... x brapa menakutkn tu smua permainan huhu...
permainan last kmi, ntah apa nama tu, rocket la adik sa pggl, berpusing2 dn membuatkn kmi smua pening n mcm mo muntah... tp ok jg la kmi.. yg kesian, adik sa la.. mgkn dia x tahan.. dia plg pucat n plg pening... tym plg, dia termuntah lg dlm kereta... kesian jg la...huhu..

haiya... byk masalah sa alami bertubi-tubi ow huhu... sedihnya... tp terima apa adanya ja la :( ....

Saturday 26 May 2012

best ever....

today, me n family go to ISUZU Fest.. the best n enjoyable...

me n my cuzz juz coming back from 'kampong', then my family bring us to see ISUZU Fest... have some fun there....

we were excited the first we step on the land there..haha... we were looking forward for the face painting...
look mine.. it's purple hehee...

we also get to take some pic wit clown there... they were cute hehe...

there were 3 clown... red, green n blue...


he come from nowhere... hehe :) the red one

it's the blue one... ehehe...

the tallest... the green one... hehe n he the one who gave me the balloon sword

they were all cute n funny....haha...

n will got to see them again tonight.. yeay!! :D

let have some fun...


Wednesday 23 May 2012

my birthday party...

hello everyone...

juz want to be proud something hehe...

this is my birthday party n birthday cake last year 2011..

with my schoolmates... hehe

my birthday cake... hehehe present

can't wait.. :)

and this is my birthday party and birthday cake tis year...2012
with my roommate n my neighbour n my friends...

my bday cake..

we were having fun

thanxx to all my friends for this precious day..hehe.....

we all were having really fun....

can't wait for next year.. :) hope it will be fun also


tis is my second blog as i forgot my first blog's password..huhu..

wat to do la... my second blog cannot be as same as the first one... don't have the same idea.. but.. i will do the best for this second one... as good, pretty, scarie(kunun), better than the first one hehe...
